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Pubali Bank signs deals with SSL

Pubali Bank has signed two agreements with SSL Wireless and SSL Commerz at the bank’s head office recently. Md. Rabiul Alam, DGM & Head of Alternative Delivery Channel (ADC) Division of Pubali Bank and Chowdhury AHM Lutful Huda, Chief Executive Officer of SSL Commerz, signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations. Mohammad Ali, Additional Managing Director and COO; Zahid Ahsan and Mohammad Shahadat Hossain, Deputy Managing Directors of Pubali Bank Ltd. were also present. Under the deal with SSL Wireless, PI Banking Apps holders of Pubali Bank Ltd. will be able to make payment for online purchases through SSL Commerz platform. Under another deal, SSL Commerz will operate White Label Merchant Acquirer (WLAMA) business across the country under the license of Bangladesh Bank where Pubali Bank will act as an acquirer bank for settlement. Javed Hasan, Chief Technical Officer & General Manager; Md. Helal Uddin, General Manager & Division Head of  ICT Operation Division of Pubali Bank Ltd. and Senior Executives from both the organizations were also present.

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