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Toab Khan: As the doyen moves on, long live journalism

Journalist Toab Khan – Toab bhai to almost all who knew him – passed away at the age of 87. It’s fitting that he did when he had just stepped into the Editor’s shoes of the once defunct now revived Dainik Bangla. His heart lay there as did of many others who worked for that outfit. One doesn’t know how the reincarnated version will look like but there is no doubt that Toab bhai will always stand tall as a journalist forever. 

His roots 

Toab bhai was a gentle and quiet activist who never made noise to get attention. His role in 1971 has been mentioned by most media releases in a single line but he was much more. A sterling member of the Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra whose programme “Pindir Prolap” -(Ravings of Pindi)which he did was a very respected radio feature winning many minds. It also showed the way Toab bhai thought- just logical arguments and facts- and no frills. He countered Pakistani propaganda very astutely. 

 When he returned to Bangladesh in 1972 , he joined Dainik Bangla as the Editor. He and his colleagues and team members turned Dainik Bangla into the best paper in town. He also helped launch the weekly “Bichitra” , the most admired magazine in Bangladesh media history. 

Toab bhai began journalism at a weekly, “Saptahik Janata” in 1953. In 1955 he joined Dainik Sangbad where he became the News Editor in 1955. He joined Dainik Pakistan which became Dainik Bangla in 1964 and became the Editor in January 1972.

We had met once in 1976 when he came down to see Hasan Hafizur Rahman-both Dainik Bangla colleagues once- at the 1971 History writing project. We had chatted about the media and he said, ” At one point of time journalism becomes part of you and you can’t do anything else. I am not an active journalist anymore and that’s what I miss-the sound and smell of a newspaper office. “He was more than wistful. Both Hasan bhai and Toab bhai had to leave after the 1973 incident.

 1973 and after

His hiatus from media began in 1973 when Dainik Bangla published a “telegram” edition condemning police firing on students who were protesting in front of the United States Information service. Two students died. But he was not punished but absorbed as the Press secretary to the PM, Sk. Mujibur Rahman . It showed the level of esteem he was held in, in all circles. Hasan bhai went to Moscow as the Press councilor. But neither were full time journalists anymore.

Toab bhai also served later PMs and Presidents but was never really happy. He got his break in 1993 when he became attached to “Dainik Janakantha ” in 1993 as an advisory Editor. It was a period of exile from journalism for him and he greedily jumped into media work. His second innings was full of energy and verve and he became a legend of sorts for his dedication and long hours even as his age kissed the 70s.

 Yet he knew that journalism and media had both changed. Once on a TV talk show together, I had asked him if he faced competition from social media. He said, “I have been beaten by social media in every race to be the first with the news. One can’t compete with its speed and reach. We have to learn to live with it and not ignore let alone fight it. ” . It’s this honesty and integrity that made him so special.

His final innings was as the Editor of new Dainik Bangla but no one knows how it will turn out to be. What we know for sure is what he told me at the TV station. “No matter what, we shall always remain journalists”.

Au revoir Toab Bhai.

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