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Speaker urges bankers to uphold values in banking

Parliament Speaker Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury has called upon the banking sector leaders to uphold values and pursue responsible financing to build a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

“I believe this values-based concept may become a turning point in Bangladesh’s efforts to balance development and equity and combat issues like climate change and poverty to create a society with more resiliency,” she said.

The speaker made the comments at the inauguration of the 13th Summit of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) at a hotel in Dhaka today, according to a press release.

She stressed achieving a pro-people, pro-planet, peaceful, and sustainable Bangladesh where no one is left behind to balance this interdependent relationship between development and equity.

“Growth and equity are the two most essential elements for a nation’s sustainable development,” Chaudhury said.

“Another crucial aspect is that to ensure benefits for the entire population, particularly the underprivileged and vulnerable segments of the population, the rapid expansion must be strengthened with a focus on equal distribution.”

David Reiling, chair of the GABV and CEO of Sunrise Banks, USA; Martin Rohner, executive director of the GABV, and Selim RF Hussain, CEO of Brac Bank, were also present.

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