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366 govt. pry schools in Kurigram run without head teacher

Primary and secondary levels students in rural Bangladesh face manifold challenges in continuing their education and shortage of teachers is one of those that hampers regular their academic activities.

Like many other places in the country, the academic activities at 366 government primary schools have been hampered seriously in absence of head teachers.

There are 1,240 government primary schools in nine upazilas of the district and the posts of headmaster at 366 schools are lying vacant, according to District Education Office.

Among these, assistant teachers have been working as acting head teacher at 234 schools but the rest schools have been operating without headmasters.

Meanwhile, the assistant teachers who were performing the roles of head teacher are not getting the facilities the headmasters usually get and there is no one to look into it, forcing the teachers to continue their additional work with frustration.

Nurjahan Begum, who recently got the responsibility of headmaster at Korimer Khamar Government Primary School in Sadar upazila, said “We have been performing our duties amid frustration.”

During a recent visit to Muktaram Government Primary School in Sadar upazila, this correspondent found that the headmaster post of the school has been lying vacant for the past two years following the death of its headmaster.

Since then, no one has been appointed and no assistant teacher was made headmaster. A senior teacher of the school is performing the duty of the headmaster.

Besides, five assistant teachers are available instead of nine which also hamper the academic activities, said an assistant teacher of the school, Nazneen Rebeka Sultana.

Expressing dissatisfaction, Anwarul Islam, president of Muktaram Government Primary School managing committee, said “We have sent letters to the authorities concerned seeking fulfillment of the vacant posts but yet to get any response.”

Principal Salauddin Rubel, General Secretary of District Swadhinota Sikkhok Porishad (Swaship), said “The academic activities of different primary schools are facing setback due to manifold problems including shortage of teachers. The situation of primary schools in Char areas is fragile.” District Primary Education Officer Shahidul Islam, said the problem will be resolved as the higher authorities have been informed.

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