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IPAB to prevent counterfeiting in products

Intellectual Property Association of Bangladesh (IPAB) wants to take initiatives to prevent counterfeiting of products, a press release said on Thursday. The organization’s leaders discussed a multi-dimensional solution-based initiative called ‘Blue-Check’ for product manufacturers and consumers to combat counterfeiting.

This was discussed in the executive committee meeting of IPAB on June 10 at the office of the organization in Gulshan of the capital. The meeting was organized to discuss various initiatives and activities undertaken in the last two years. In the meeting, new members of IPAB were elected and many members were re-elected. In the event, the executive committee discussed the detailed action plan to be done till 2035.

Md. Shamsul Alam Mallick, FCA, Managing Director of New Zealand Dairy Products, was elected as the President of IPAB, and Md. Azizur Rahman, FCS, Head of Public Affairs & Company Secretary of BAT Bangladesh,was reelected as the Director General of IPAB.

The meeting was attended by Md. Shamsul Alam Mallick, FCA, Managing Director of New Zealand Dairy Products Limited, President of IPAB, Dr. Harun Ur Rashid, Advisor of IPAB, retired Professor of Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka, K H Masud Siddiqui, Independent Director of BAT Bangladesh, Advisor of IPAB, Former Secretary of Ministry of Industries, Former Secretary of Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, Md. Azizur Rahman, FCS, Head of Public Affairs & Company Secretary of BAT Bangladesh, Director General of IPAB, Mohammed Khorshed Alam, Chairman of A2P Group, Senior Vice President of IPAB, Md. Kausar Alam, FCA, FCS, FCMA, Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary of Seven Rings Cement Group, Vice President of IPAB,and Mohammed ShahedulAlam, Chief Regulatory & Corporate Affairs Officer of Robi Axiata Limited, Vice President of IPAB.

Other Executive Committee members of IPAB were also present in the meeting, including Safius Sami Alamgir, Managing Director of Tampaco Foils Limited; Mohammed Ferdous Yusuf, Chief Human Resources Officer of bKash; Sardar Akther Hamed, Chief Operating Officer of Microfinance Division of Sajida Foundation; Wolora Afrin Rasna, Barrister.

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