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Country turned into gas chamber due to unplanned urbanisation: Rizvi

BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi on Saturday alleged that Bangladesh has now become a gas chamber as a result of unplanned urbanization.

“Bangladesh is now a valley of death due to a hoax development of the current dummy government,” he said.

The BNP leader also accused the government of putting lives in jeopardy through deforestation, silting up of rivers and canals and setting up thermal and coal-run power plants by pursuing unplanned urbanisation.

“Bangladesh has now been turned into a gas chamber,” he observed.

Rizvi came up with the remarks while distributing bottled water and saline among pedestrians in the capital’s Mirpur area.

As part of its 7-day programme, Dhaka North City unit BNP arranged the programme to assuage public suffering amidst the ongoing severe heatwave across the country.

Rizvi said the government is setting up thermal power plants in different areas by ignoring the opinion of environmental experts, causing a serious threat to the biodiversity of the country.

“Tees are no longer bearing fruit in these areas…People belonging to Awami League are filling the ponds, canals, rivers and water bodies.”

He also said that the ruling party leaders are creating a second home by siphoning off huge money abroad by indulging in plundering.

“The government of Sheikh Hasina has turned Bangladesh into a den of looting. As a result, they’re not able to import goods from abroad due to dollar crisis. The country has been ruined by corruption and looting,” BNP leader said.

Slamming the Prime Minister, he said Sheikh Hasina has snatched democracy and people’s all rights. “Because of this, people can now no longer exercise their right to vote. Parliament has now become an entertainment house.”

He bemoaned that democracy-loving people have been still sacrificing their lives for establishing the voting rights even after 52 years of independence of the country.

Later in the day, Rizvi along with BNP leaders and activists distributed bottled water and saline among pedestrians in the city’s Shantinagar area.


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