The red-green Bangladeshi flag carrier Ocean Going is the 100th commercial ship ‘MV Jahan-1’. Victory Nishan will fly from one port of the world to another as a goodwill ambassador. Currently, the vessel, which is at Chittagong Port’s outer anchorage, is owned by KSRM Group’s SR Shipping.
On Wednesday (June 12), the ship was inspected by Captain Sabbir Mahmood, Principal Officer of the Department of Shipping, officials of the investing commercial bank, insurance company officials, ship classification surveyors and related senior officials.
Mizanul Islam, Media Advisor of KSRM Group said in this context, ocean going vessel MV Jahan-1 has been added to SR Shipping’s fleet. Senior government officials inspected the vessel at outer anchorage for registration purposes. Hopefully, it will get registered as the 100th Bangladeshi ship.
He said that the ship was earlier named ‘MV Nord Pacific’. The vessel left Indonesia with 59,800 tons of coal belonging to SS Power Limited on May 26. Arrived at Chittagong port on June 7. Bangladeshi sailors work on all ships under the management of KSRM. This creates guaranteed employment opportunities for sailors who pass out from the Marine Academy. A lot of foreign currency is earned. Which plays a major role in the overall economy of the country.
Captain Sabbir Mahmud said that we have conducted the inspection to complete the process of permanent registration of ‘Jahan 1’ as a Bangladeshi flag ship. After getting the registration certificate, the ship can sail around the world with the Bangladeshi flag. A lot of foreign currency acquisition will be possible. Bangladeshi sailors will be employed.
He said that big industrial groups are realizing the benefits of their own ships as the government has given support to the import of ocean going ships. So there is interest in investing in this sector. The ships are manned by Bangladeshi captains, cadets and sailors. Bangladeshi workshops are working on these ships. Insurance Bangladeshi. Classification Surveyor Bangladeshi. Now we have to focus on developing backward linkage industry, logistic support of ocean going ships.
In response to a question, he said that 101 ships bearing Bangladeshi flag are getting registration. Several more vessels are in the process of being imported. Hopefully it will reach the country in a few days. There are two types of registration. A registration or registration. The other is acquisition. If a ship is deleted from the list, the number of the next ships will come forward.
According to sources, after the fleet of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation was reduced, the goods of Bangladesh were once imported and exported by foreign ships. In 2019, through a notification to reduce the duty rate on the import of ships, large Bangladeshi industrial groups began to buy ocean going ships. Revolutionary changes come in the import-export sector. Bangladesh’s reputation in the maritime world continues to grow. Dollars are saved in many ways.