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Nurul calls on India to send Sheikh Hasina back to Bangladesh

Gana Odhikar Parishad president Nurul Haque urged India to send former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina back to Bangladesh under the prisoner exchange agreement. He said, if India does not do this, they will surround the Indian High Commission.

Nurul said this in a harmony rally in front of Al Razi Complex in Vijaynagar of the capital on Friday afternoon. Gana Adhikar Parishad held this gathering to pay respect to all the brave martyrs who sacrificed their lives to protect the independence and sovereignty of the country and to establish democracy. After the rally, the procession went through Gulistan Fulbaria to Paltan intersection, Dainik Bangla, Fakirapool, BNP party office, Nightingale intersection and ended at Vijayanagar water tank intersection.

Nurul Haque said in the harmony rally, “India gave unanimous support to Sheikh Hasina in the elections of 2014, 2018 and 2014.” While the whole world is talking in favor of democracy in Bangladesh, India is still desperate to bring Sheikh Hasina to power. I will say to our neighboring country India, you should maintain normal relations with us. Don’t ruin a relationship for a party.

We have a prisoner exchange agreement with India. Sheikh Hasina should be sent to Bangladesh immediately without advocating to be sent to another country, otherwise the Indian High Commission will be surrounded by the People’s Rights Council.


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