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Metrorail to open in 7 days: Advisor Fawzul

Muhammad Faizul Kabir Khan, adviser to the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges, said that it will take a maximum of seven days to start the Metrorail. On Sunday, he came to the Ministry of Road Transport and Bridges and said this in a familiar meeting with the officials.

He said, there may be new priorities regarding various development projects. As if everything is not in Dhaka, there is also development in neglected areas. He said, every work or project has to reduce the cost. I have given instructions in this regard. Roads and highways which have been damaged or destroyed by fire are being renovated. There will be no single source procurement as before.

He said, the tender will not be done by looking at acquaintances. There is no parking space on the main roads of Dhaka. I told them to do it. Where vehicles will not be allowed to stop. The advisor said, development will not happen only in Dhaka or big cities. There will be development in places where people move more. The cost of road construction in Bangladesh is the highest in the world – this slander must be removed. The same contractor will not do all the work. Those who do good will be given work.

He said, ‘I myself am a victim of BRTA’s irregularities. I took 7 days off to get my driver’s license. How long does it take to get a driving license? It should be seen that there is no more harassment in this matter.

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