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Apex celebrates Founder’s Day 2021

Apex has lent its support to school-going children with 5,000 pairs of shoes to commemorate the special occasion of Founder’s Day on 26 September.

Spreeha Bangladesh, an organization that inspires change by empowering people and improving the lives of school-going children from economically distressed sections of society, also collaborated with Apex in the event, says a press release.

Meanwhile, other initiatives were also taken on the day to celebrate and reinforce the human values that Apex and its Founder Chairman stand for among Apex employees and partners.

The main event was organized at Spreeha Bangladesh’s Head Office, where officials from Apex handed over the 5000 pairs of shoes to Spreeha Bangladesh authority.

This was followed by interactions with these children in the Rayerbazar area.

The event was graced by Mr Rajan Pillai, deputy managing director and CEO.

Mr Arif Shahriar, chief people and culture officer, Mr Sagnik Guha, general manager of marketing, and Mr Ibn Abu Zaed, head of brands, along with Asgar Ali Sabri, executive director, Spreeha Bangladesh Foundation and representatives of SPREEHA Bangladesh and other officials from Apex were also present there.

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