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Mobile phone consumers call for telecom, internet service reforms

Bangladesh Mobile Phone Consumers Association (BMPCA) has called on the interim government to unveil a roadmap for reforms in the telecommunication and internet service sectors, aiming to improve service quality and address customer concerns.

The demand was made during a public consultation meeting held in front of the National Press Club on Saturday, marking the BMPCA’s 10th anniversary.

Mukul E-Ilahi Chowdhury, former member of the Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC), stressed the need for urgent reforms. The current government should announce a specific roadmap to reform the telecommunication and internet service sectors, ensuring uninterrupted, quality service for consumers, he said, suggesting that such an announcement should be made within 15 days to two months.

Khalid Abu Nasser, adviser to the BMPCA and former director of the Bangladesh Competition Commission, highlighted inefficiencies within the telecommunication ecosystem, noting that reducing waste at each step could lower costs by 10 to 12 percent. He also criticized the lack of competition in the sector, stating, “Although there is talk of competition, it doesn’t exist in practice. The regulatory commission and the government must take prompt action.”

BMPCA President Mohiuddin Ahmed demanded answers from the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) regarding recent price hikes in internet data and voice calls. “In the past month and a half, why have internet data and voice call charges suddenly increased? And why did the mobile banking message charge jump from Tk 5 to Tk 10?” he asked.

Ahmed warned that if the government, BTRC, and mobile operators do not take steps to meet the demand for affordable, unlimited internet data, BMPCA would announce tough measures, including a boycott of internet services. He also called for public hearings to determine fair pricing for mobile calls and internet data.

General Secretary of BMPCA, Advocate Abu Bakr Siddique, expressed frustration over the lack of progress in the telecom sector. “The telecom ministry is operating the same way it did under the previous government. We see no signs of change,” he said.

Saeed Ibn Rana, chairman of the Jaldhar Rakkha Foundation, emphasized the essential nature of internet access, likening it to water. “Just as life can’t go on without water, it can’t go on without the internet. All necessary steps must be taken to ensure the quality of internet and mobile call services,” he said.

Around 15 consumers from various professions spoke at the meeting, raising complaints about service issues, including call drops, muted calls, slow internet speeds, withheld money, sudden balance deductions, lack of network during power outages, and the high charges of mobile banking services. Many also called for transparency regarding the salaries and benefits of top executives at mobile companies and internet service providers.

The meeting also featured speeches by Advocate Moniruzzaman Shaswat Monir, a member of the BMPCA’s Central Executive Committee, and Dr. Aminul Islam.

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