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Guardian Life Ins, Trust Axiata Pay sign strategic partnership deal

Guardian Life Insurance Limited recently signed an agreement with Trust Axiata Pay (tap) facilitating the customers to purchase Guardian Life’s insurance policies and pay policy premium through ‘tap’ app. 

This partnership is offering innovative and suitable digital insurance products at attractive prices for the customers amid the growing popularity of ‘Micro Health Insurance’ in the country.

Sheikh RakibulKarim, FCA, Acting CEO of Gurdian Life Insurance Limited and DewanNazmulHasan, Acting CEO of Trust Axiata Pay (tap) signed an agreement in this respect, a press release said.

Shamim Ahmed, Chief Operating Officer; Majedur Rashid Chowdhury, Head of Finance & Accounts; Yeasin Arafat, Head Of Digital Channel & ADC; AsifUl Islam, AVP,  Digital Channel & ADC; ArifulHoque, AVP, Digital Channel & ADC from Guardian Life Insurance Limited and Shah Jalal Uddin, Head of Sales & Distribution; FasihulMostafa, Head of Sales Strategy; Asif Bin Mujib, DGM, Merchant Payment; Shafeen M EunusDaud, DGM, Brand Marketing; K.M. Shahidul Islam, Legal Counsel from Trust Axiata Pay (tap) were present at the signing ceremony. 

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