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Community involvement in institutional development

After the successful student movement in Bangladesh in 2024, educational institutions are facing challenges from agitators in various ways. In some cases, institutional heads are also facing harassment. Educational institutions play a significant role in building society. Moreover, students are the principal stakeholders in these institutions and directly benefit from them. Then the question arises: why are such awkward situations prevailing in educational institutions? The answer lies in the fact that in our country, the community is not properly involved in the smooth functioning of educational institutions.

Community involvement in education is the cooperation between educational institutions and the local, regional, national, and international community for mutual benefit through the interchange of resources and knowledge. Community engagement in education has been increasingly recognized as essential for achieving educational goals and fostering societal development. In Bangladesh, the engagement of the community in education can be traced back to the efforts of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community leaders, and educators. Collaboration between education and the community may be formal or informal. In our country, there is formal collaboration between non-governmental education and the community. The community, in the form of a governing body or managing committee, performs its duties in non-governmental educational institutions. In some cases, local government authorities also participate in such activities. However, there is informal collaboration between government education and the community, where direct involvement of the community in education does not persist. Nonetheless, lawmakers and local government authorities sometimes engage in education for their own sake.

It is widely recognized that community engagement in education enhances the quality of education and paves the way for the smooth running of institutions. Therefore, by engaging the community in education, we can overcome such unwanted situations and enhance the quality of education.

It has been observed that community involvement in institutional management increases accountability in managing resources, which enhances learning outcomes. Moreover, community-driven efforts to improve the institutional environment have been seen to lead to established partnerships and long-term sustainability. Additionally, one of the key factors linked to the effectiveness of community schools for girls was the harmony between community members and the institutions. Furthermore, sometimes community engagement becomes imperative, especially during conflicts. Therefore, effective collaboration allows communities to engage in various aspects of institutional development and enhance learning outcomes.

To involve the community in education, it is necessary to conduct a collaborative evaluation of the current situation. This will not only reveal immediate concerns of the institution but also point out underlying challenges responsible for these concerns. After assessing the current situation, a standardized mode of action must be planned to take action. At this stage, community members will set goals and plan for development, thereby enhancing educational goals through community involvement in education.

Although engaging the community in education increases sustainability and enhances a conducive learning environment, there are some challengesalso. Traditionally, we exclude some groups such as women, minorities, youth, and children, which usually restricts their privilege to participate in community-based enterprises. Moreover, traditional beliefs and practices can sometimes hinder girls’ education or limit educational opportunities for certain marginalized groups. Additionally, our society is divided along political affiliations. In such a situation, community members may not remain unbiased in planning and participating in education, which could lead to more harm than benefit. Therefore, it is necessary to be meticulous in engaging the community in education by promoting partnerships between institutions, communities, and stakeholders. Thus, Bangladesh can build a more inclusive and equitable education system that empowers individuals and drives socio-economic progress.


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