A simple fever coupled with coldness and asthmatic symptom can cause death even when science is at the peak of invention. That is corona that shakes the earth to show how nature is still capable to do natural justice or injustice on human beings. It has different perspectives to explain.
Economic perspectives
At the initial stage of corona outbreak from China, it was though that only China will be the victim of corona virus or Covid. But with fastest spread of the disease it gave the world the message that global economy is now at the mercy of a mere infectious disease. Tourist and aviation industries are the two worst victims of corona. A recession becomes inevitable to cause a dramatic decline in commerce and business. The purpose of capitalism is being questioned and criticized by many conspiracy theorists on the ground of inadequate treatment for mass people while many elites are still well protected globally. Safety versus humanity appears as a paradoxical issue in capitalist world when moving ships were not permitted to anchor for treatment of corona patients.
Political perspectives
The blame game between China and USA is not new. But the outbreak of Corona set up a new stage for cold fighting between USA and China. While USA has been addressing the disease as “Wuan Virus” to blame China, Chinese experts advised USA to not forget its own role in this respect.
Behavioral perspectives
Many behavioral scientists think that as children of broken family suffer from a kind of inferiority complex, so are many physically sick people. This is how AIDS initially spread from person to person. Being selfish, a sick person may not feel it necessary to keep himself or herself detached from society during disease which is another reason for spread of corona. If the disease is revealed the concerned person may be outlawed by society for which many hide information of such infectious diseases. “If I become victim of a fatal disease why should other be spared” is the meanest mindset that tempt many to spread such disease callously.
Historical perspectives
After every 100 year a disease comes in the form of epidemic. History says that in 1720 Plague appeared as a fatal disease and shook the world by taking many lives in Europe. In 1820 another disease came out and took a huge toll of human lives. In 1920 Spanish Flu took lives of many people immediately after 1st world war. Though Spain had no relation with the disease, it was so named for mysterious reason. Climbing in the pick point of technology and science should we still believe that such epidemic has a mystical relation with number and will history repeat itself cruelly?
Medical Perspectives
Since virus like corona is diversifying and camouflaged in nature medical kit is not capable for immediate diagnosis. There is a rumor that cancer treatment has become available many years ago, but it is not disclosed before public yet lest the business of selling most profitable cancer medicine called “chemotherapy” might fall. However, humanity should not stoop to profit when it comes to the question of existence of civilization. Cuba, Germany, China and Japan are working to come up with prevention of Covid or corona. Mentionable that corona is not at all a newly detected virus and Cuba has been doing research on such old viruses like Corona since 1980s to develop its vaccination. But the problem is that even after fastest invention, the stage of production and distribution of any vaccine to whole world usually takes minimum six more months from the time of invention within which death toll rises further.
Family Perspectives
Some said sarcastically that we are grateful to corona virus as it has given ample time to parents to share with children. Without outbreak of corona busiest cities of the world would not have learnt that there is something called personal and family life other than professional life. Being confined in houses many Europeans and Chinese got the opportunity to learn that there are most valuable things in life to share with family. Family life once missed cannot be purchased with million dollars. Day cares lost businesses as children stay home with parents and old homes loose earnings as all stay at home safely during epidemics. But one thing is gained-love towards family. Ironically, corona virus ties spouses and couples more than ever before by giving them free time to learn that profession is for life but not the reverse/ vice versa is true.
Banking Perspectives
Most central banks of the world including USA has decided to cut bank interest rate considering business down turn for corona outbreak. Developing countries are in favor of loan rescheduling and liberal bank loan policy to save economy. Inflation oriented global economy turns into recession for epidemics like corona which demands supply of more money into economy after the outbreak is over.Side by side with money market, global share marked fell drastically. In spite of being the birth place of corona, China has been dreaming of leading global economy while Europe as the worst victim of cornoa may have to accept this realityin post-corona period.
Cultural Perspectives
Global culture has no way but to promote “social distancing” to get rid of corona virus pandemic. People have to stop shaking hands so that virus cannot be transmitted from one person to another. All types of cultural programs including sports have been postponed worldwide. Family men cannot even go to grave yard to bury their dead relatives who die from corona lest they get affected by touch. In many parts of the world dead patients have been burned instead of buried since even the soil can bear the infection from burial.Rising above religious emotion, mosques , churches and temples have been shut down to save people from transmit of disease.
Environmental Perspectives
Ice of north and south pole is melting resulting in exposure of thousands of years old intact bodies or corpses of men and animals which may have carry such virus, many environmentalist predict. Because fatal virus like corona does not seem brand new according to the belief of many environmentalists. The more the ice will melt in north and south pole for green house affect, the more the world may be exposed to thousand years old bacteria and viruses like corona from exposed corpses or dead bodies of ancient and medieval period.
The author is the Assistant Vice President, Financial Administration Division (FAD), ShahjalalIslami Bank Ltd.