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Human rights dilemma: A critical appraisal of the role of UN

Existence is a prerequisite for any entity to be discussable. While theoretical discourse is conceivable about something that does not exist, practical discussion is not. As mankind is an existential being, fundamental rights are inherent to them. Correspondingly, there are accredited rights known as human rights, essential for mankind to live in a manner befitting their nature. Human rights are universal, transcending narrow, confined state-centric rights, and are indispensable for maintaining a rational and active life. Human rights did not emerge overnight. They have matured through a complex evolution, from the Cyrus Cylinder to the Medina Charter and the Magna Carta. The United Nations (UN) proclaimed the universal charter of human rights on December 10, 1948, following its establishment in 1945. The term ‘universal’ implies the disregard of nationalism and religious perspectives when safeguarding these human rights.

However, a regrettable aspect lies in the fact that it is primarily the western world that wields control over the realization of human rights. They have often confined human rights within the confines of parochial nationalism and religious foundations. While they employ the term “Human Rights” both logically and illogically in their favor, they often withhold these rights from those they consider adversaries. It appears that they alone are deemed worthy of attaining human rights. Unfortunately, the role played by the UN in this regard is conspicuously biased. The UN seems preoccupied with legitimizing all the unjust and wrongful activities practiced by Western countries, despite its initial purpose to serve the greater goal of establishing world peace.

In 1948, Palestine was partitioned into two territories according to the UN’s decree. A substantial portion of the Palestinian mainland was allocated to the then homeless Jewish population, giving rise to the establishment of Israel. However, the Jewish was not content with the territory they received; instead, they were fervent in occupying the entire land of Palestine. They engaged in the forced eviction of innocent Palestinians from their own homelands, compelling them to endure subhuman lives in refugee camps. The Israelis have perpetrated the killing of thousands of innocents and the rape of Palestinian women for the past 75 years. Israeli penitentiaries have become inundated with thousands of Palestinians. In response, numerous protests have erupted, giving rise to freedom-seeking organizations such as ‘Ikhwanul Muslimin’, ‘Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’, ‘Fatah’, ‘Hamas’ and many more. Consequently, Palestine gave birth to leaders like Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, Yasser Arafat to name a few. Regrettably, Palestine has not managed to free itself from Israeli occupation. Instead, the US, along with several other European countries, has persistently supplied Israel with highly destructive weaponry, further exacerbating the ongoing crisis. The UN, on the other hand, has resorted to a questionable silence in this matter.

Hamas, one of the foremost freedom-seeking organizations, has launched approximately three thousand rockets targeting the territory under Israeli occupation. In this attack, not fewer than 1,400 Israeli citizens lost their lives, with thousands more wounded. In response, the Israeli administration, declaring a ‘state of war’ against Hamas, initiated grievous air strikes, resulting in the deaths of over three thousand Palestinian civilians, with thousands more wounded. Despite the Israeli administration’s declaration of war, the ongoing situation can hardly be considered a war in material terms, but rather an unmitigated aggression against millions of civilian Palestinians.

Even if it is accepted as a ‘state of war’ for the sake of argument, Israel isn’t abiding by the guidelines of war. They are killing tens of thousands of civilians, including women and children. They have even gone so far as to bomb a hospital where over 500 civilians died while receiving treatment. This is an open-and-shut war crime. Nonetheless, the UN, being controlled by the Western world, could not take any action against this serious crime. Instead, the UN has been seen, repeatedly, expressing concern over the ongoing attack in Ukraine carried out by Russia. The UN has played a questionable role, as it has been observed advocating for the human rights of Ukrainian citizens while not affording similar attention to the plight of the Palestinians. It appears that this organization is serving the interests of the Western world. If this continues, not only will the UN lose its credibility, but parochial nationalism and religious adversity will fuel global restlessness, potentially leading to another world war.

To prevent this probable disaster, the UN must play an impartial and fruitful role. It must perform its duties being free from Western influence. Moreover, the UN must demonstrate action to fulfill the statement in the first article of the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Furthermore, all countries must collaborate in establishing human rights and safeguarding the world from further annihilation. Additionally, contributions from the international media are crucial to establishing world peace and universal human rights. The impartial, vigorous, and critical role of international media can ensure accountability. Ultimately, those countries that undermine human rights must be subjected to rigorous, lawful retribution. This course of action not only safeguards the sanctity of innate and inherent rights for all of humanity, regardless of their origin, creed, lineage, or age, but also bequeaths an indomitable legacy of humaneness.

Mohammad Foysal Karim is a student of the University of Chittagong.

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