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New shocking discovery of Malaysian Airlines flight 370

It has been over eight years since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously disappeared from the radar, and the world has been left wondering what happened to the passengers and crew. But now….

After all these years, there is a shocking development in the case that may provide some answers. Recent reports suggest that the plane was not lost but may have been discovered in an unexpected location!

Let’s uncover the truth behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

The Events Of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370

On March 8, 2014, Malaysia Airlines flight 370 departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia with 239 people on board. The flight was headed to Beijing, China, and should have arrived at 6:30 am local time.

However, approximately one hour after take-off, the plane disappeared from the radar, and all contact was lost!

After an extensive search, no wreckage or signs of survivors were found, and the plane was declared lost at sea. For years, the mysterious disappearance of Flight 370 remained unsolved and many theories were put forward about what had happened.

The only certainty was that the plane had vanished without a trace, leading many to believe that the aircraft had been destroyed.

This mystery was thought to be solved in 2018 when a piece of debris was discovered off the coast of Madagascar. It was identified as part of the missing plane and was the first sign that some part of Flight 370 might still be intact.

This discovery raised questions about the plane’s fate and sparked renewed interest in the disappearance of Flight 370.

The New Theory About What Happened To The Plane

Since Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in March 2014, speculation and theories have circulated about what might have happened to the plane and the 239 people onboard. Now, a new approach has emerged that suggests the plane wasn’t lost, but it may have landed safely.

This theory was put forward by the independent investigative team Voice370, which is made up of families of passengers from the flight. The group believes that an onboard fire or hijacking was the cause of the plane’s disappearance, and they point to evidence that suggests that the aircraft flew on for hours after contact with air traffic control was lost.

They also cite evidence indicating the plane’s transponder was deliberately shut off and passed along known air corridors after this time.

The group suggests that the pilot may have used his training and experience to land the plane in a remote area, likely Central Asia, after running out of fuel. However, they admit that no concrete evidence supports their theory. Despite this, many family members of those onboard believe this is a plausible explanation for the plane’s disappearance and are calling for more investigation into the case.

The Evidence That Supports This Theory

The first piece of evidence supporting this theory is the satellite data that tracked the plane’s movements. Analysis of this data revealed that the plane veered off course, flew across the Malaysian peninsula, and headed out into the Indian Ocean.

This appears inconsistent with a scenario in which the plane crashed or went off the radar due to a technical malfunction.

In addition, a new analysis of the oceanic debris found in the vicinity of where the plane is thought to have gone down reveals that it has been aged for more than four years, indicating that it has not been submerged for an extended period.

This also supports the theory that the plane had flown for some time after going off the radar, as opposed to crashing immediately.

Furthermore, recent reports from air traffic controllers in Thailand have revealed that they observed a “mystery” aircraft around the same time Flight 370 disappeared from their radar.

This suggests that another plane may have been flying in the area at the same time and could have been involved in the disappearance of Flight 370.

Finally, eyewitnesses in Madagascar reported seeing what they believe to be pieces of Flight 370 washing ashore several months after its disappearance. While no official confirmation has been made, this provides further circumstantial evidence that the plane did not crash immediately and may have flown for some time after going off the radar.

Taken together, these pieces of evidence indicate that Flight 370 did not crash but instead continued to fly after disappearing from radar, though its final destination remains unknown.

The Implications Of This Discovery

The implications of this discovery are far reaching. Not only does it mean that the plane was never lost, but it also means that the world’s aviation safety and security protocols need to be drastically revised.

If a large commercial airliner could be hidden for so long without anyone noticing, what other planes are flying around the globe without being tracked?

The new theory raises questions about the effectiveness of existing protocols and suggests that more needs to be done to ensure the safety of passengers.

The international community must work together to come up with new systems and technologies that can help to monitor air travel and prevent tragedies like this from occurring again in the future.

The discovery of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 also highlights the importance of family and friends staying vigilant in the search for missing loved ones. This case serves as a reminder that, even when all hope seems lost, there is still a chance for closure and answers, no matter how small.

Courtesy: Lessons from History

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