Land Minister Narayon Chandra Chanda on Wednesday directed the concerned officials to complete the ongoing BDS operations under the EDLMS project by 2026. He emphasized the implementation of ‘1 person, 1 khatian (Record of Rights- ROR) and 1 Daag (Plot)’ system. Officials of the Establishment of Digital Land Management System (EDLMS)
Author: Times Report
Govt observing both quota, Prottoy scheme movements: Quader
Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader says the government is ‘observing’ both the protests by students and job seekers against quotas in government jobs and the teachers’ ongoing movement to repeal the Prottoy pension scheme. “Everything will be solved on time. We [the government] are keeping an eye on the two
Court orders seizure of assets of CMP official, wife
A Chattogram court on Tuesday ordered the seizure of assets worth over Tk 11 crore belonging to Additional Deputy Police Commissioner (Crime) of Chattogram Metropolitan Police Mohammad Kamrul Hasan and his wife Saima Begum. Chattogram Metropolitan Sessions and Senior Special Judge Dr. Ziabunnessa passed the order following an appeal from the
Dhaka, Beijing work together for mutual prosperity
Marsch and Canada eye chance of ‘special victory’ vs Argentina
High-value crops farming delights jobless youths in Rajshahi
Farming of high-valued crops, including seasonal fruits, has boosted self-confidence of many jobless youths through transforming them into entrepreneurs. Scores of educated unemployed youths have found the path of becoming self-reliant through establishing orchards of non-conventional but high-value fruits and crops in the region, particularly in its drought-prone Barind area. Hassan Ali,
CMS ensures justice in land revenue and civil cases
DIU students receive 1.2 crore tk
In a heartwarming gesture of support, Daffodil International University (DIU) authorities, along with Prime Islami Life Insurance Company Ltd. handed over Tk 1.2 crore to 40 students at the university with 3 Lac taka each against Guardians Insurance claim today on July 09 in a program held at Prof. Aminul
NSU IQAC holds faculty orientation
A three-day long faculty orientation and development workshop for Summer 2024 has been organized by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of North South University (NSU). On 4, 7 & 8 July, the orientation program was held at NSU. Around 40 new faculty members from sixteen departments attended the program. The orientation