The external debt of the world’s low and middle-income countries at the end of 2021 totalled 9 trillion US dollars, more than double the amount a decade ago. Such debt is expected to increase by an additional 1.1 trillion US dollars in 2023. Moreover, the debt-service payments, projected to top 62
Author: Baher Kamal, IPS
This planet is drying up and these are the consequences
Drought is one of the ‘most destructive’ natural disasters in terms of the loss of life, arising from impacts, such as wide-scale crop failure, wildfires and water stress. In other words, droughts are one of the “most feared natural phenomena in the world;” they devastate farmland, destroy livelihoods and cause untold
Black ‘Fraud-Days’ and the shocking cost of staying fashionable
Please take a quick look at this short report before rushing to shop on a Black Friday, Christmas sales and all those long chains of big discounts and wholesales, most of them are fake, as often denounced by consumers organisations that report that the business usually inflates prices before launching
Don’t be fooled: Climate disasters are highly lucrative
As much as wars –or even more–, climate disaster represents a great business opportunity, so don’t bother those who pour their fortunes into fueling them with talks about stopping it. Investing in wars A couple of dozens of companies involved in manufacturing the most inhuman weapons of mass destruction– the nuclear warheads,
Market lords, much more than a war, behind world’s food crisis
While grain exports continue to regularly flow to world’s markets since the July 2022 Turkey-brokered agreement between Russia and Ukraine to resume cereals and fertilisers shipments from both countries, food prices are still skyrocketing everywhere. How come? The handiest answer by establishment politicians and media is that it’s all about the
Rich nations ‘miserably’ fall below their climate promises
Just a few days ahead of the UN Climate Conference (COP27) in Egypt (6-18 November), new revelations show how far rich, industrialised countries –those who contribute most to the growing catastrophes- have been lying over their real contributions to climate finance. The True Value of Climate Finance Is a Third of
Europe in its labyrinth
European politicians continue to run in all directions to find a way out of their energy crisis. One of them – Simonetta Sommaruga, the Swiss Environment Minister, asked people to ‘shower together’. Others are competing to grant the business of transporting energy from the North of Africa to the continent.
Rural women work the hardest, produce the most, eat the least
Make no mistake. Violence against women has been perpetuated, specially when it comes to those who have already been deprived of their basic human rights, as it is the case of rural women in over two-thirds of the world While gender-based abuses continue to be extended also in the industrialised societies,
Millions of girls abused in the name of toxic masculinity
A common feature to religions – including the monotheistic ones – is that groups of males have self-proclaimed themselves as the source for interpreting the “Word of God,” shaping them, and spreading them among the peoples of good faith. Consequently, any given “god” has been historically presented as a man. And