Impact on ChatGPT in job market

The Chat GPT pre-trained Transformer, developed by AI research firm OpenAI, is powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that can understand and respond to human language. ChatGPT can easily automate tasks such as data entry, customer support inquiries and jobs that involve these tasks will no longer require humans, that's way

Lakshmipur District Police and bKash organize workshop on prevention of MFS abuse

Lakshmipur District Police in collaboration with bKash has organized a day-long workshop to raise awareness to prevent abuse of Mobile Financial Services (MFS) in criminal activities. The workshop titled “Investigation and Prevention of Abuse of Mobile Financial Services” was organized recently in Lakshmipur city’s Shaheed Constable Gias Uddin Drillshed –where around

SC recognised as “Best Retail Bank”

Standard Chartered (SC) has been named Bangladesh’s “Best Retail Bank” at The Digital Banker’s Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2023. This achievement celebrates the Bank’s dedication to elevating the customer experience through digitalisation; enabling people nationwide to embrace a cashless lifestyle; and powering continuous innovation – across the industry and

MBD holds 1st EGM

The 1st Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the shareholders of Midland Bank Limited (MDB) was held through digital platform on October 29. Mrs. Nilufer Zafarullah, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Bank, presided over the meeting. A number of general and institutional Shareholders of the Bank attended the

Grameenphone holds appreciation ceremony for NTTN partners

Grameenphone recently hosted the “NTTN Partner Appreciation Ceremony”. The event aimed to express the tech enabler’s genuine appreciation to its Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) partners for their invaluable contributions to Grameenphone’s fiberization journey and strengthen future to build the largest and no. 1 network of the country. Present at