How the age of mammals could end

Throughout the past 500 million years, our planet has experienced a total of five mass extinctions. One of these – the Permo-Triassic mass extinction event – led to the demise of roughly 90% of Earth’s species. Most of these events have coincided with the formation of a supercontinent, where Earth’s tectonic

Tourism in Asia-Pacific to reach pre-pandemic level by 2024: ADB

Tourism recovery in Asia and Pacific region has picked up speed and might rebound to the pre-pandemic level by 2024, according to a report released by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Tuesday. The Asian Economic Integration Report 2023 said international tourist arrivals in the Asia-Pacific region rose by 399

NATO urges Russia to respect nuclear pact with US

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on Friday called on Russia to respect its treaty with the United States on nuclear weapons, which contributes to international stability. NATO ambassadors said in a statement that "We note with concern that Russia has failed to comply with legally-binding obligations under the New START