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A. Z. M. Shofiuddin made chairman of SBAC Bank

At the 169th Board meeting of the SBAC Bank Ltd. held on the 16th of August, Mr. A. Z. M. Shofiuddin (Shamim) was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank. Mr. Shofiuddin, fter completing his education, took responsibility of his father’s business which was started in 1961. His sincere effort and dynamic leadership have transformed a trading company into a large business conglomerate which is well known as SQ Group. SQ Group is now one of the largest industrial groups in the country, and currently operates 23 manufacturing & assembly factories, employing over 6,000 individuals.

Besides being a prominent business personality, he plays a commendable role in social welfare and community development. Mr. Shofiuddin’s philanthropic initiatives are best proven through the establishment of the SQ Foundation. Through this charitable organisation, he has been dedicated to the improvement of the lives of less fortunate people including providing free land & housing, education, health, and self-employment. He has also built numerous schools, colleges, madrasas, and places of worship in his town of birth Cumilla and in his Village and throughout Barura Upozila.

Mr. Shofiuddin is committed to his future as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of SBAC Bank Ltd. and will approach this role with integrity and determination, as he has with his previous ventures.

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