Asiatic Mindshare has set yet another example of excellent marketing and communication works. They made it to the top of the list at the 10th edition of Commward by winning a total of 43 awards, first time ever in the history of Communication award.
Of the awards, 33 came as Mindshare’s solo achievement while 10 others in partnership. The total of 43 awards comprises 24 Bronze, 14 Silver, 4 Gold and 1 Grand Prix,a press release said.
Having been the leading media agency of the country for long, Asiatic Mindshare has also left a significant mark in the creative arena in recent years. The combined effort has set this new benchmark, which is not only appreciated but also inspiring.
Mindshare is proud to be recognised for their hard work, creativity and talent as well as grateful to the valuable clients for their trust and support.
A two-day Communication Summit arranged by Bangladesh Brand Forum ended with a virtual award announcement ceremony yesterday. Since 2011, Bangladesh Brand Forum has been organising the Commward to give recognition to the best works and campaigns of the marketing industry. The 10th Commward awarded the best communication and branding works executed during the period of May 2019 to May 2021.
The Summit was held prior to the award ceremony. Marketing experts– both local and international– spoke at the summit and discussed multiple topics.