Bangladesh Bank has permited Janata Bank to reschedule the loan of AnonTex Group.
The much-talked-about loan will be regularise with special facilities at the state-run bank, according to source at BB.
Anti Corruption Commission(ACC) has wrapped up the investigation against the group as allegations of money embezzlement proved ‘wrong’.
“BB has decided to reshedule the collective loan of Tk 35.64 billion owes to 17 comapanies under the industrial conglomerate including Lamisa Spinning, Zara Denim, Simran Composit and Galaxy Sweater,” read a letter sent to the Janata Bank.
In the letter, Bangladesh Bank says the reshedule will be effective after deposit of Tk 716.4 million as down payment.
Janata Bank managing director Abdus Salam Azad said the Group maintained regular communication to repay the loan amid pandemic.
“We finds the home-bound investment data of AnnonTex. The Group has already deposited Tk 860 million. And another Tk 250 million is on process,” he said.
Besides, ACC has closed the investigation against the Group as the anti-corruption body didn’t find irregularities in loan process.
Regarding the issue, AnonTex Group managing director Md Younus said the companies run production amid challenging time of pandemic.
“All loan from Janata Bank will repay in instalment following the compliance of Bangladesh Bank,” he said.