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BAT Bangladesh receives AWS Core Certification

Water scarcity is one of the most critical crises in the world is battling through currently and which is predicted to persist even in the future.

Sustainable water management has been at the heart of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) discussions in recent times and will play a important role in shaping up the future. Keeping ESG at front and center of its business, BAT Bangladesh acknowledges its responsibility to ensure good water governance across all levels of the organization and beyond.

AWS International Water Stewardship Standard (AWS Standard) is a globally applicable framework for major water users to understand their use of water and impacts, and to work collaboratively and transparently for sustainable water management within a catchment context. The Standard is envisioned to drive social, environmental, and economic benefits at the scale of a catchment.

Recently BAT Bangladesh has been accredited with the Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Core certification, for its Dhaka Factory and Green Leaf Threshing Plant, making it the first Company in Bangladesh to receive the prestigious recognition.

2022 also marks 13 years of the safe-drinking water programme in Bangladesh; an initiative taken by BAT Bangladesh to complement the government’s goal of ensuring access to clean drinking water especially across arsenic prone communities. The project was initiated in 2009 and so far, it has established more than 111 water filtration plants across 21 districts of the country, ensuring more than 565,000 litres of pure drinking water to more than 273,000 beneficiaries every day.

Since its inception, BAT Bangladesh has championed in ensuring the best interest of its consumers, employees, shareholders and society. The Company is committed to facilitate impactful contribution in the sustainable development of the nation its plight to take the country to newer heights – in pursuit of A Better Tomorrow.

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