The Bureau of Business Research (BBR), University of Chattogram (CU) has recently organized a webinar on “Corporate Governance: Implications of Academic Research for Business and Industries in Bangladesh”.
Professor Dr. Md. SalimUddin, Chairman of Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation (BHBFC) and BBR, presided over the webinar. Dr. AvijitBarua, Prof. Florida University USA, presented the keynote paper on the webinar, a press release said.
Dr. Salim said that corporate governance can ensure long-term success by facilitating effective and prudent management. He mentioned lack of corporate governance causes financial crisis & scandal with few real examples of such incidents in home and abroad. He also raised a concern regarding the method of academic research for investigating the real scenario of corporate governance, especially in Bangladesh.
Prof. Dr. HelaUddinNizami, Prof. Dr. Mohammad SalehJahur and Prof. Dr. MoazzamHossain delivered their expert opinion on the webinar. Prof. Dr. SM SohrabUddin moderated the occasion. Chairman of different departments, faculties, M.phil and phD students and alumni of diferent departments of the University virtually attended the program.