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Bengal Commercial Bank gets new DMD

Bengal Commercial Bank has recently appointed Md Rafiqul Islam as its new Deputy Managing Director (DMD), a bank press release said Wednesday.

He has been serving the Bank as Chief Operating Officer (COO) and will continue to serve as COO in addition to the current assignment.

Rafiqul Islam, who joined the bank on June 1, 2020, was served as the SEVP and Chief Technological Officer (CTO) of the bank.

Md Rafiqul started his career with Standard Chartered Bank through “Y2K Project” in 1998. He also served the NCC Bank, National Bank, First Security Islami Bank, ICB Islamic Bank and Shahjalal Islami Bank during his 24 years of banking career.

He has completed studies from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) and obtained few other foreign degrees from abroad on Information & Communications Technology (ICT).  

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