More than one lakh customers of cable TV operator ‘Bengal Digital’ can now pay their bill through bKash, a release said Monday.
Subscribers all over the country can enjoy the bill payment service through bKash app without any charge.
Bill payment service through bKash app for Bengal Digital ensures uninterrupted TV viewing experience and also saves time and cost for the customers. In addition, it makes the bill management process smoother for Bengal Digital.
Customers can enjoy this bill payment service through bKash app. bKash is the first Mobile Financial Service (MFS) provider to cater bill payment facility for Bengal Digital users.
To pay Bengal Digital bill through bKash app, customers need to select ‘Pay Bill’ from the home screen and tap on ‘TV’ icon and then ‘Bengal Digital’ from the list. In next step, they require to enter User ID and proceed to payment with bKash PIN.
Upon successful payment, customers will get confirmation notification. They can save environment-friendly digital receipt for future need which can be found under ‘Saved Bill’ option of bKash app’s ‘My bKash’ or ‘Pay Bill’ icon. Once the bill credential is saved in bKash app, customer can easily pay the next bills in fewer steps directly by tapping ‘Saved Bill’ option.
bKash customers are currently able to pay bill of Akash DTH, BumbellBee, Jashore City Cable, Nation Electronics and Cable Networks and Bengal Digital easily staying at home.