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BGCB provides SME loan at SME fair

Bengal Commercial Bank (BGCB) has disbursed spot SME loanon the occasion of 10th National SME Product fair, a press release said Monday. The loan has been distributed among the five entrepreneurs on 03 December 2022 under the Credit Wholesaling Program (CWP) of SME Foundation. Tarik Morshed, MD & CEO of the bank, handed over the cheques to the entrepreneurs at Bangabandhu International Convention Centre at the closing ceremony of the 10-day fair in presence of State Minister for the Ministry of Industries Kamal Ahmed Majumder. The loan has been provided to inspire the entrepreneurs for participating in the fair, organized by SME Foundation, said Tarik Morshed. Professor Dr. Md. Masudur Rahman, chairperson of SME Foundation; Enayet Hossain Chowdhury, director of the foundation; A K M Sajedur Rahman Khan, deputy Governor of BB; K. M. AwladHossain, DMD of BGCB were also present.

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