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bKash distributes 50,000 books for underprivileged students this year

Bikash has distributed 50,000 books to 74 schools and private libraries across the country this year to inculcate the habit of reading different types of books in addition to textbooks among underprivileged children and teenagers. A portion of the books are collected from the readers-writers-visitors visiting the Ekushe Book Fair and from Supershop Agora and Meena Bazar, Corporate Institutions, Media Houses, all BKash Customer Care, Customer Centers and BKKS offices.

With this, more books were added by Bkash and a total of 50,000 books were distributed to underprivileged children and adolescents through the voluntary organization Abhyatri Foundation.

Including Nirbhay Foundation, Adamya 19, Charulata, Alor Dishari, Ignite Foundation, Alor Dhara School, Dream School, Alor Bhuvan Library, Khilgao Pathshala, Sbar Pathshala, Hati Khadi Foundation, Taqwa Foundation, Station Pathagar, Help School and Abhiyat Foundation run schools for underprivileged children. The books are distributed to some other institutions.

From the year 2020, Bikash started collecting and distributing books to speed up this activity with the readers-writers-visitors coming to Bangla Academy book fair. With this, Bikash has given a total of 72,500 books to underprivileged children in the last three years.

Bikash Chief Marketing Officer Mir Nawat Ali said, ‘Bikash always tries to be involved with creative, talent-development initiatives. In the future, Bikash will continue to try so that children and teenagers who are backward in the society can develop themselves by reading all kinds of books.’

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