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bKash launches talent hunt program for tech students

bKash has launched talent hunt and development program ‘bTechWhiz’ for the technology and relevant students, a press release said Saturday. Through this competitive program, they will be hired from different campuses through a rigorous process and developed with first-hand learning opportunities. This flagship recruitment and development program of bKash has recently been launched with a ‘recruitment test’ at American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) campus. More than 350 students participated in its first phase. Before the test, Mozammel Haque, head of Software Research and Engineering and Intekhab Sadekin, head of Solution Architecture and Planning of bKash conducted a seminar titled ‘Technology and Beyond’. bKash will provide direct employment opportunities to technology and engineering graduates from other university campuses through the ‘bTechWhiz’ flagship program in the same process. After joining bKash, each of them will get the opportunity to enrich and develop their skills under a specific mentor through specific assignments and specialized training. R. Tareque Moudud, director of office and placement of AIUB; Dr. Dip Nandi, faculty of science and technology director of AIUB; and Sayeed Nasir, head of organizational development and employee relations of bKash were also present.

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