Customers can avail 21 Taka instant cashback on 20 Taka recharge to any mobile number through bKash app.
The offer will be valid till December 11. A customer can enjoy the cashback once during offer period, said a press release.
To avail the offer, customers have to click on the ‘Mobile Recharge’ option from the app and select mobile number operator. In next step, they should type 20 Taka and enter bKash PIN to get the cashback instantly.
The offer will be applicable to all numbers of Airtel, Banglalink, Grameenphone, Robi and Teletalk.
Mobile Recharge service of bKash has gained much popularity among the customers as there is opportunity to recharge any amount of money from any corner of the country 24/7.
There are various offers available on mobile recharge from bKash app. Customers can buy voice, data pack or bundle for their own mobile number depending on their usage. There is even an opportunity to compare the best offers in the app. For example, a customer may want to recharge 50 Taka. If s/he clicks on the “check offer” option after typing 50 Taka, s/he will be able to see all the offers closely related to that amount and choose the best offer.