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BMET training registration now on AmiProbashi App

Aspiring migrants can register for BMET certified training courses on AmiProbashi App. In order to make training registration easier, organized and digitalized the Dr. Ahmed MunirusSaleheen, Secretary,Ministry of Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment has inaugurated this segment of the app at a virtual event Sunday.

Director General of BMET, MD.ShahidulAlam, NDC presided the event,a press release said.

In the event all the principals of TTC (Technical Training Center) and IMTs of Bangladesh were also present and a presentation of the training module was shared with them in the launching event.

Dr. Ahmed MonirusSalehin said, “Eligible candidates will be selected for training by adopting the correct recruitment method through the AmiProbashi app and those who cannot make it the first time will be recruited again. The main objective of BMET is to make a skilled person more efficient through proper training and AmiProbashi App will elevate the process.”

MD. ShahidulAlam,NDC, DG, BMET, said “online training registration through AmiProbashi app is  a timely delivered and much needed facility to be launched and introduced to the aspiring migrants and for the BMET training centers. This app will work as a huge support system for us. We are happy to that this segment is also being digitalized.Since all the information will be included in the BMET database,so any foreign employment agency will be able to select eligible candidates through AmiProbashi.”

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