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Brac Bank appoints record number of graduates under Young Leaders’ Programme

Brac Bank has recently appointed a record number of graduates under its signature recruitment initiative – Young Leaders’ Programme (YLP).

The bank has on-boarded a batch of 80 candidates to support the bank’s massive business expansion plan, reads a press release.

The private commercial bank has planned to double its business within next four years riding on its investment on people and technology.

This hiring came at a time when many businesses resorted to job-cuts and salary rationing in view of the pandemic.

Brac Bank family led by its Managing Director and CEO Selim RF Hussain gave a warm welcome to the new batch of talents at a ceremony on Tuesday (1 February 1) at its head office in Gulshan.

Selim RF Hussain said: “BRAC Bank has achieved remarkable growth in the last few years and established itself as a torch bearer in good governance, transparency, ethics and compliance. With its corporate culture, brand value and people-care initiatives, the bank has been able to emerge as an employer of choice for the youth of our country.”

He added, “We believe that people are the greatest assets of an organisation. That is why we continue to hire the best talents and invest in people development. We believe we continuously need to inject new blood for new paradigm, ideas and energy in an organisation that has ambitious growth plan. We will provide enabling work environment where people can learn, enjoy and make impact at the same time.

Welcoming the new individuals, he said that The Young Leaders’ Programme is designed to bring out the latent potential of these 80 talents.

Brac Bank has planned to recruit 2,000 more people in 2022 to expand its foothold across the country, a news that enthused the new graduates across the public and private universities.

The bank’s recent salary hike by up to 50% of its Officers to Senior Principal Grade officials has also generated huge enthusiasm among the job seekers.

The Young Leaders have been selected through a rigorous screening process involving a series of assessments including psychometrics, personality profiling and two-step interviews process conducted by professionals, the release added.

In the run-up to the recruitment, Brac Bank also organised a number of career talks with the leading universities of the country prior to this particular drive to aware the Young Leaders of the country.

The new talents will go through planned development interventions over next 12 months before they are deployed and placed in real jobs.

The recruits will get the opportunity to learn 70% of banking through experiential learning, 20% through relationship, i.e., through assigned coach, mentors and buddies whereas, 10% learning would be ensured through the different classroom training.

Upon successful completion of one year, they will be placed in different functions based on their choice, stability and business need.

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