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BRAC Bank, BANCAT arrange awareness programme

BRAC Bank, in association with Bangladesh Cancer Aid Trust (BANCAT) and LabAid Cancer Hospital, organized a breast cancer awareness programme to raise awareness among women about the life-threatening disease, a press release said on Saturday.

A total of 130 women from different segments of the society, including BRAC Bank women customers, attended the event styled “Living Beyond Breast Cancer” at Lakeshore Hotel in Dhaka on October 14, 2023.

Dr. Ali Nafisa, Associate Professor and Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon Lab Aid Cancer Hospital and Super Specialty Centre, Akhteruddin Mahmood, Head of Human Resources; Indraneel Chattopadhyay, Chief Marketing Officer; Mehruba Reza, Head of Women Banking, BRAC Bank; Najmus Ahmed Albab, Founder & Executive Director, BANCAT; Dr. Mahzabin Ferdous, General Secretary BANCAT; Nehal Ahmed, Vice President; AlamzebFarjad Ahmed. Vice President (Finance), BANCAT; and other officials from these organizations attended the programme.

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