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BRAC Bank partners with DIU

BRAC Bank and Daffodil International University (DIU) have joined hands to run a comprehensive Entrepreneur Accelerator Programme aimed at helping grassroots women entrepreneurs become successful in business. The programme will facilitate promising women business owners in honing their managerial and entrepreneurial skills, helping them sustain and expand their businesses. Syed Abdul Momen, Deputy Managing Director & Head of SME Banking, BRAC Bank; and Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor, Daffodil International University; signed a partnership agreement at the university campus on January 24. From BRAC Bank, Ekram Kabir, Head of Communications; Jakirul Islam, Head of Strategic Partnership and Digital Financial services; Khadija Mariam, Head of Women Entrepreneur Cell; Md Kayser Hasan, Senior Manager, Business Transformation & Product, were present. From DIU, Professor Dr. S.M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor; Professor Dr. Mostafa Kamal, Dean, Academic Affairs; Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqbal, Dean, Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship; and Dr. Mohammed Nadir Bin Ali, Registrar, were present.

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