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Building climate resilience through the lens of water

Representatives from the climate and water sector actors at a roundtable organised by WaterAid urged  proper attention to address climate impacts on water and Water Sanitation and hygiene (WASH).

WaterAid also launched its upcoming flagship initiative titled the “Resilient Water Accelerator” The roundtable was held today at Sonargaon hotel on Monday.

Road to COP27 speakers highlighted the need for world to act now to protect communities from the impacts of climate change. Yet progress is too slow.

Malik Fida, Managing Director, CEGIS, said, “Plans which are guiding the vision of Bangladesh in adaptive measures to tackle climate change needs sectoral collaboration, direct linkages and knowledge with on ground reality. It is the collective responsibility of sector actors to sensitize this process and focus on locally led adaptive programmes that centers people and community. Ensuring these mechanisms will aid direct impact in the society”.

Dr. Fazle Rabbi Sadeque Ahmed, PKSF, said, “Water has to get the highest priority, future project needs to align with national strategies, priority must given to governances, framework and infrastructures needs to change in such a manner that caters to drinking water. Climate finance is becoming a debt burden for countries and we must focus on grant based finance,”

Partha Hefaz Shaik, Director Policy Advocacy, WaterAid “We are now living in the era of loss and damage, and when we talk about climate justice, we must ensure accessible, financially solvent solution to address water crisis”

Hasin Jahan, Country Director, WaterAid, said, “Bangladesh has stressed the need for a bold and ambitious actions to address climate change and we have play our part. We request everyone to put dedicated attention to address the hard-to-reach people towards achieveing climate justice for all.”  

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