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Cadet College admission test fee through bKash

Like previous years, admission seekers of the country’s 12 cadet colleges can pay application fee for admission test through bKash. Applicants or their guardians can apply for admission test at the cadet colleges’ admission website till 5:00pm of December 13 and complete the application with fee payment through bKash. The applicants can also conditionally get a Tk 50 cashback coupon from bKash on payment. Written test for the admission to cadet colleges is scheduled to be held on December 23, 2023.

Detailed process of the application and fee payment of cadet college admission is available at websites- or To apply, applicants need to click on ‘Apply Now/Sign Up’ in the website first. In next step, they need to sign up by entering name, mobile number, password, email, and date of birth.

After that, they will have to login by entering user ID, password and select ‘bKash’ from ‘Payment’ option and put the amount (Tk 2,500) to complete the payment. Upon successful payment of the admission test fee, they will receive a SMS notification on the mobile number

Currently, there are 12 cadet colleges in the country of which nine for boys, and three for girls. On payment of admission test fee through bKash, applicants can conditionally get Tk 50 cashback coupon which can be used in next five days on purchasing Tk 300 worth of products or services through bKash payment.

Payment of academic fees including application for admission, and other fees of educational institutions through bKash has become popular to the students and their guardians due to its convenience. At present, bKash is providing fee payment services to more than 1,200 public and private educational institutions across the country.

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