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Chevron Provides Covid Support to Local Community Hospitals

Chevron’s Bangladesh companies recently provided crucial timely support to fourlocal hospitals near its Bibiyana and Moulavi Bazar Gas Plants, donating 15 oxygen concentrators to meet the immediate needs of patients suffering from hypoxemia, which occurs when levels of oxygen in the blood are lower than normal, a press release said.

Hypoxemia can cause mild problems such as headaches and shortness of breath, and in severe cases, can interfere with heart and brain function. An oxygen concentrator takes in air, separates out the oxygen and delivers it into a patient via a nasal cannula.

The oxygen concentrators were handed over atsocially distanced events recently: to the Deputy Commissioner, Habiganj, Ishrat Jahan, who received 10 oxygenators on behalf of the 250-bed District Hospital, Habiganj, and the NabiganjUpazila Health Complex. Meanwhile, UpazilaNirbahi Officer of BahubalUpazila, Habiganj, Snigdha Talukdar, received two oxygenators on behalf of the BahubalUpazila Health Complex.

Finally, three oxygenators were handed over to the Sreemangal Upazila Hospital. External attendees at the various events included Civil Surgeon, Habiganj, Dr. Mustafizur Rahman; Superintendent of the 250-bed District Hospital, Habiganj, Dr. Aminul Haque; Sreemangal’s Health & Family Planning Officer, Dr. Sazzad Hossain Choudhury, all of whom expressed appreciation for Chevron’s timely initiative. Representing Chevron among others were Field Corporate Affairs Manager, Imam Hasan Akan; Senior Coordinator, Community Engagement, Murad Ahmed; and Senior Coordinator, Government Affairs & Social Investment, Srinibash Chandra Nath.               

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