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‘Customer relationship is key for SMB success’

Customers are the lifeline of any sort of business. Whether it’s B2B or B2C, without the customers businesses will lose the primary purpose of their activities. This is even more important for small businesses considering they have limited resources and investment. As a result, it is vital that businesses strongly focus on attracting new customers while retaining their existing ones.

Marketing has always been the predominant method of attracting and retaining customers. As time has passed the method of connecting with the customers have evolved as well. This evolution took a dramatic turn because of the advancement of technology and after the invention of social media platforms it has become more trouble-free for the businesses to reach out to the customers. These platforms are even more useful to SMEs as they don’t require much investment. Bangladesh with her 45million social media users presents the SMEs unparalleled opportunities to market their products and brand.

Building deeper relationships on social media platforms such as Facebook is to use their dedicated messaging services like Facebook Messenger Solution. Entrepreneurs or business person can create excellent customer experiences and turn any conversation into conversion by simply including CLICK TO MESSENGER in communication and connect with customers on a more personal level. Conversation all commerce helps make enriching customer service experiences that turn one-on-one conversations into conversions and loyal customers through Messenger chatbots.

Whether have a big event, performance, or announcement about business, these social media platforms have the perfect way to show it to customers through Live sessions like, Facebook Live. This function allows to live stream event and reach a wider community who can watch from their phone, computer, or even connected TV.

For small businesses, it’s not always easy to build a website. But you may want to consider building a simple one, given the many Facebook tools helping unlock potential revenue and insights for your business. When you implement the Facebook Pixel on your website, it allows you to see how people interact with your website after viewing your Facebook ad. It also allows you to optimize your ads for conversions that means it is telling Facebook how this information can help you refine your ad strategy and get a better return on your investments. The Pixel works by placing and triggering cookies to track users as they interact with your website and your Facebook ads.

 It will share back a goldmine of information and deeper insights into those who visited your website and the journey they took to reach your final purchase page; helping you understand them better and unlock lucrative remarketing opportunities for the future.

Facebook Chat Plugins are another free website plugin helping you generate sales by supporting customers while they browse your website. The chat is live and powered by Messenger, helping you provide personalised assistance to your captive audience as well as building a strong relationship to help your business grow.

Now that you understand all these tools and are leveraging them effectively to increase awareness, it’s time to reach out to people who are unfamiliar with your business. Promote your business directly from your Page with Facebook’s simple tools to reach out and connect with new people and new customers.

By Archana Roche, Facebook Measurement Lead, Httpool APAC

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