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Dhaka Angel Lions Club holds induction ceremony

Dhaka Angel Lions Club held its 4th installation ceremony in the city recently, a press release said Tuesday.

District governor, District 315A1 Ln. Engr. Md. Mostafa Kamal, attended the ceremony as chief guest.

Ambassador of Goodwill and chairman of Bangladesh Lions Foundation, AKM Rezaul Hoque, Imm. past district governor Ln. Architect Nikhil Chandra Guha, 1st vice district governor Ln. Dr. Dewan Md. Sahauddin, 2nd vice district governor, Ln. Eng. Selim Miah, chairperson of district governor honarary committee, Dr. Shahidul Islam were present as special guest.

Cabinet secretary, Ln. Niaz Uddin Bhuiya, cabinet treasurer, Ln. Jahangir Alam, convention chairperson, Nawzat Sarwat Islam, district GLT co-ordinator, Ln. Engr. Akram Uz Zaman, were present as guests of honour.

Past president of Dhaka Angel Lions Club Ln. Mohammad Lokman Hakim Manik presided over Installation ceremony.

Founder president & club administrator of Dhaka Angel Lions Club, Ln. Kamar Uddin Ahmed, conducted introducing part. Club president, Ln. Nasima Parvin presided over the 2nd part of the ceremony and club membership chairperson and master of the ceremony, Ln. Kazi Imtiaz Uddin Ahmed recited the oath of allegiance.

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