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Dhaka Cast wins prestigious Digital Bangladesh Award

Healthcare startup Dhaka Cast won the prestigious Digital Bangladesh Award 2021.  Dhaka Cast got the “Best Team” Award in Private Organizations (General) category.

FahreenHannan, founder of Dhaka Cast, received the award from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.Other members of the team are- Prof. Dr. Md. Montasir Islam, member co- founder, and Md. Al Ferdous, member.

The event was arranged at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC). State Minister for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) division Zunaid Ahmed Palakpresided over the programme. .

Since 2008, the Government has been observing the day. The Digital Bangladesh Award is being given to various public and private organizations, teams and individuals in recognition of their contribution to the ICT sector. The cabinet division this yearrecognized “Digital Bangladesh Award” as National Award.

FahreenHannan, founder of Dhaka Cast, said, “Becoming an entrepreneur is very challenging and for a Bangladeshi woman it is even more challenging. The country’s women who are working in various sectors or doing businesses, face hurdles every day and I am no exception. Still, I decided to go ahead and started Dhaka Cast with an objective to make an impact in the society by bringing positive changes in people’s lives. We have just started and have a long way to go. The road ahead of us is filled with many problem but this award gave us the strength to march forward.”

Dhaka Cast is the first-ever health care startup in Bangladesh focusing to support diabetic patients. The startup started in 2019 and in the same year Dhaka Cast won international startup competition “She Loves Tech.”

The other organizations won the award are- Grameenphone Ltd, e-Commerce Association of Bangladesh (e-CAB), Dhaka City Corporation (North), Digital Haat, and Water Resources Ministry.


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