Eastern Bank Ltd andActionAid Bangladesh (AAB) jointlywill distribute ‘Multi-Purpose Cash Grant’ (MPCG) to marginalised and vulnerable sex workers and acid survivors in pandemic in Khulna and Rajshahi division under Local Rights Programme (LRP).
Both the organisationssigned a MoU to fight pandemic impacts, a press release said.
ZiaulKarim, Head of Communications and External Affairs; Md. Maskur Reza, Head of Business Information Systems; Md. Shahjahan Ali, Head of Compliance, AMLD and Deputy CAMLCO; Maj Md. Abdus Salam, psc, (Retd), Head of Cash Management from EBL; Farah Kabir, Country Director; Md. Rafiqul Islam ACA, Head of Finance and Maruf Mohammad Shehab, Head of Fundraising of ActionAid Bangladesh took part at the MoU signing ceremony.