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EBL celebrates rupee trade settlement for Pran RFL Group


EBL celebrated the first successful rupee trade settlement for HabiganjAgro Limited, a concern of Pran RFL Group. This groundbreaking import and export settlement in rupee amounted to over 2.4 million, setting the stage for a new era in economic and commercial collaboration between Bangladesh and India. The program was well attended by business leaders, representatives from ICICI and State Bank of India and senior executives of other local banks. Tipu Munshi MP, Commerce Minister, PranayVerma, High Commissioner of India to Bangladesh, Abdul Matlub Ahmad, President of IBCCI, Zakir Hossain Chowdhury, Executive Director, FEPD, Bangladesh Bank, Ali Reza Iftekhar, MD and CEO, and Ahmed Shaheen, AMD of EBL were present among others on the occasion.

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