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GIZ, NILG holds SDG localization training

GIZ Bangladesh and National Institute of Local Government (NILG) of the LGRD Ministry, have organized a pilot training focusing on tools and methods for SDG localization held at Hotel City Inn, Khulna, a press release said Thursday.

 The training was conducted to give the city officials an overview of the application of different tools for SDG implementation, which can be customized to the cities’ own context. Around 30 officials from Khulna City Corporation (KCC), the National Institute of Local Government, and the Prime Minister’s Office took part in the pilot training.

Urban areas play a big role in tackling the adverse impacts of climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in due time. Bangladesh has devised several plans and strategies to achieve SDG targets by the year 2030. However, there is a need to localize the implementation of these plans, taking into account the needs and context of local communities. To help city corporations and municipalities in Bangladesh for localizing SDGs, tools and methodologies have been developed. These tools and methodologies have been piloted at KCC to collect feedback from the officials at the field level.

The training covered different topics, including tasks of the local government for SDG achievement, tools for stakeholder analysis and engagement, ways to mobilize resources to support local action, and challenges and opportunities at the local level regarding climate action and resilience.

Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Mayor, KCC attended the event as the chief guest and Saleh Ahmed Mujaffor, Director General of NILG was present as the special guest. Dr. Firdaus Ara Hussain, Principal Advisor, ICICF project of GIZ Bangladesh, was also present.

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