Brac has pledged to stand beside the deeply affected families, and Grameenphone, as a first respondent, joined the cause “Dakche Abar Desh” to aid more than 33,000 families. BRAC on the other hand, announced to contribute to support 50,000 families.
In addition, ‘Daakche Abar Desh’ will also function as a solidarity platform for relief assistance, which means public fundraising and institutional contribution are encouraged for supportive intervention towards the cause.
Grameenphone announced this social contribution Friday at a virtual press conference where Shyam Sunder Sikder, chairman of BTRC graced the event as the Chief Guest.
Yasir Azman, Chief Executive Officer of Grameenphone, Tushar Bhowmik, Chief Financial Officer of BRAC, among others were present. Khairul Basher, Head of Communications of Grameenphone, moderated the program.
Grameenphone and Brac will contribute BDT 50 million and 75 million to the cause, respectively. Expert field workers from Brac will identify the ones forced to live below the poverty line due to the contagion, emphasizing on the elderly people, pregnant or lactating mothers, people with disabilities, women-headed households, people living in ultra-poverty, and those who are not receiving support from any other sources. Each family will get food assistance worth 1500 BDT.