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Handloom weavers launch online market in Sirajganj

Human needs increase in keeping with the technology in daily life. And in line with the demand, many traditions and cultures are disappearing, one of which is the traditional handloom weaving industry of our country. The weaving industry of Sirajganj, famously known as Tantkunj, continues to play an incomparable role in the sector. Handloom is the largest rural economic sector after agriculture in the rural economy. But the weavers are struggling to survive in the competitive market due to the existence of traditional production, marketing, and marketing systems in this traditional weaving industry. To solve this problem, an online marketplace has been launched to sell the products of handloom weavers of Sirajganj called website was inaugurated at Sirajganj Mansoor Ali Auditorium on Friday, June 16. Sirajganj-2 Constituency Member of Parliament Professor Dr. Md. Habibe Millat was present as the chief guest. Also NDP schedule director Md. Shah Azad Iqbal was also present there.

Chief guest Professor Dr. Md. Habibe Millat said, ‘Sirajganj is called Tantkunj, and the weaving industry of all of Bangladesh spread from here and gathered praise. The world is moving forward, Bangladesh is moving forward and the weaving industry is much neglected without being able to keep pace with them. We don’t want to lose our old traditions. We have to keep up with the times by keeping the tradition, or we will be lost. The online market is a huge market. Hopefully, through e-boshon in the coming days, the textile products of Sirajganj will reach Bangladesh as well as the whole world.’

In the opening ceremony, the director of the NDP program, Shah Azad Iqbal said, ‘The creation of an e-commerce site is to reach the people of Sirajganj textile products. So that the people of the country can buy good quality products at affordable prices at home. Besides, the lost glory of jute products and handicrafts will be brought back through this. If the handloom industry of Sirajganj can be brought under this e-commerce then it will be a huge potential for the handloom industry. Many weavers have already joined this platform. is a platform to enhance the technical skills and investment capabilities of young entrepreneurs.’

He further added, ‘The sole aim of creating this platform is to establish a common brand of products for the traditional handloom entrepreneurs of Sirajanj. E-boshon is basically a brand of weavers of Sirajganj. Their manufactured textiles, jute products, and handicrafts will be delivered to global customers under their own name through this platform.’

National Development Program (NDP) has launched this e-commerce platform in Sadar, Kamarkhand and Belkuchi upazilas of Sirajganj district with the financial and technical support of PKSF to support the working environment of weaving factories in Sirajganj and to get a fair price for their products.

On the platform, the products of textile entrepreneurs will be made using natural materials in an eco-friendly manner. Training is provided here so that the weavers can join easily.

Products ordered on will be delivered within 72 hours across the country. To know more visit the website for details.

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