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IBF observes Victory Day

Islami Bank Founadation (IBF) organized a discussion and doa program on Victory Day on 17 December at foundation hall room. Professor Dr. QaziShahidulAlam, Chairman of the foundation addressed the program as chief guest. Mohammad Ali, Executive Director of the foundation presided over the program while Professor Dr. Mohammad SalehJahur, Vice Chairman, Dr. Tanveer Ahmad, Executive Committee Chairman, Mohammad QuamrulHasan,  Professor Dr. Md. FashiulAlam, Syed Abu Asad, ShowkatHossain, FCA and Barrister Abu Syeed Mohammad Quasem, members of the foundation, Mohammad JoynalAbedin, Director and Mohammed MonirulMoula, Managing Director & CEO of Islami Bank Bangldesh PLC attended the program. Discussion, doa program and free medical camps were organized in institutions run by Islami Bank Foundation on the occasion.

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