Now customers can avail digital savings service of IDLC Finance through their bKash accounts from anywhere in the country.
They can start IDLC’s monthly savings schemes of different terms and amounts in just two minutes without any hassle of papers and forms.
Since the inception of this service in September 2021, around 90,000 customers have availed the Savings Schemes amounting BDT 14 crore.
Starting from opening savings to depositing monthly installments and even getting the total amount upon maturity through bKash app, this savings service has already gained popularity among the customers. If customers want, they can withdraw their savings amount through bKash app at any stage after three months of opening the scheme. They can also Cash Out the full amount including interest without any charge upon the maturity of Savings Schemes. To open savings account in IDLC, customers need to click on ‘Savings (in bank and financial institution)’ icon from the home screen of bKash app and follow some easy steps. Customers can avail the savings schemes of IDLC Finance in monthly installments of BDT 500, BDT 1,000, BDT 2,000 and BDT 3,000 starting from a minimum period of two years to a maximum of four years. 58.5 million bKash customers can avail the savings service through bKash app.
This convenient digital savings service through bKash app has created a positive vibe among the youths most. Of the 90,000 customers, 64 percent has availed the service for future purpose, 25 percent to secure financial security, 6 percent to bear educational expenses and rest 5 percent have availed savings service for other purpose.
As there is no hassle of physical visit to the bank branch or opening new account to avail monthly savings scheme, anyone can open savings account through this bKash and IDLC service. This digital service is creating savings habit among all. In this new service, the savings installments have been automatically transferred from the bKash account to IDLC Finance on a specific date of each month. The customer is notified before each due date to keep sufficient balance in the account. Customers can see all the important information ‘Live’ from the bKash app, including total savings amount, savings period, and profits.