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Index Agro receives ICMAB ‘Best Corporate Award’

The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB) honored Index Agro Industries for practicing ‘good governance’ at the institutional level.

Commerce Minister, Tipu Munshi handed over the ‘ICMAB Best Corporate Award 2021’ to Index Agro Industries managing director, Mahin Mazher at a function organized at the hotel InterContinental in Dhaka recently, said on press release.

The program was presided over by the president of ICMAB, Mamunur Rashid FCMA. Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman, Shibli Rubaiyat Ul Islam and Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI) President, Md. Jashim Uddin were also present.

Index Agro managing director, Mahin Mazher said that “the growth of a business organization depends on good corporate governance and this award of ICMAB will be the recognition of the capabilities of all institutions of the group and will be the path for the future”.

The platform of accounting management professionals awarded 65 organizations in 17 categories after reviewing the performance mentioned in the annual report.

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