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NASCIB concerned by amendment to smoking control act

The National Small and Cottage Industries Association of Bangladesh (NASCIB) has claimed that the livelihood of small traders will be threatened if the draft bill prepared for the proposed amendment to the Smoking and Tobacco Products (Control) Act is implemented, a press release said.

The leaders of the organization highlighted provisions of the draft bill that would risk the livelihood of 70 lakh people at an event in the capital on Saturday.

According to them, the informal economy and marginal businesses are still reeling from the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. In a time when things are looking slightly better, if the proposed draft for amendment of the law is implemented, the lives of low-income traders and their families will fall into dire crisis.

The Ministry of Health has prepared a proposal to amend the Smoking and Use of Tobacco Products (Control) Act 2005 (amended in 2013). Recently, the draft was also put up on the ministry’s website for public opinion.

However, the issue of drafting laws without consultation with the stakeholders has already created controversy. NASCIB leaders demand that the impractical provisions of the draft to be withdrawn and the Smoking and Tobacco Products Control Act be amended to be realistic, modern and in favor of the life and livelihood of the small and marginal retail traders.

Mirza Nurul Goni Shovon CIP, President of NASCIB and Chairman of Informal Sector Industry Skills Council (ISISC), read out a written statement at the event.FBCCI Adviser Manjur Ahmed was also present at the event.

Shovon said, “We welcome the government’s intention to reduce the use of tobacco in the country but the proposed restrictions on selling tobacco products are illogical and will severely impact the livelihoods of over 70 lakh people.”

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